Coffee Review Group 1

One purpose of doing cappuccino reviews is to get out in the world and try some cappuccinos you might not otherwise encounter.  To that end, I’ll have to search out some places I haven’t been before (or were at long ago).  I’ll do that soon, but first I wanted to list the coffee shops that I already know about and will likely be top contenders.

  • Bradbury’s (the first place in Madison to serve a proper cappuccino and still one of the best)
  • Johnson Public House (#1 or #2 in my mind, depending upon the visit)
  • Grace on State (brand new and a bit odd, in the old hat shop, but seemed legitimate when I was there. Also has the honor of illegally painting one of the remaining brick store-fronts on State…)
  • Ledger Coffee (in Garver, the old beet factory)